You are able to lock and barricade the door. You look around the room, but it seems like the room is empty. You hear soldiers outside, screaming "GET OUT OF WE WILL SHOOT". Suprised, you trip and accidentaly push something on the wall, and a grey little rectangle pops out. You realize that it is a lightning drive, which is capable of holding 8000PB of data. This must be where the files are stored. Now you have to escape. You put on your space gear, and turn your ray gun on high power, knowing that this could break the ray gun, and shoot the roof of the safe room. The ray gun's intense beams melt the roof, and you are able to get out. You carefully slide down the side of the base, careful not to be noticed by the security turrets, and run for your ship, hidden close to the base. You get inside, and turn on the engine. You quickly set the ship to light speed, and get out of there, secret documents in your hand. MISSION COMPLETE